Fitzroy Football Club: Great football, Great community, Great culture.

Indigenous Round: Fitzroy IT game day lunch - Round 9. Meet Ian Hamm, Chair of the First Nations Foundation

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Monday 05 July 2021 11:45am ~ Monday 05 July 2021 3:00pm

Remembering Sir Doug Nicholls and exploring the Aboriginal experience - postponed

As the AFL marks Indigenous Round in the name of Fitzroy star, Sir Doug Nicholls, the Fitzroy Football Club will also host a special game and lunch at BSO.

Our Fitzroy IT game, which falls during Indigenous Round, will also take a look at some important modern-day issues in our relationship with our First Nations people.

Chair of the First Nations Foundation and Yorta Yorta man, Ian Hamm, will be our guest speaker at lunch on Saturday 5 June.

Well ask Ian about why a Treaty in Victoria is an important step, his thoughts on the truth and justice royal commission, and what Reconciliation Week and Indigenous Round mean to him and his people.

Ian holds many influential roles, including Chair of the Koorie Heritage Trust, the Chair of Connecting Home (the Stolen Generations Service), Deputy Chair of Aboriginal Housing Victoria and Directors of the Tigers in Community Foundation. Hes also held several senior roles in government.

Ian is a former President of the Western Region Football League. If you havent guessed already, hes a passionate Richmond fan and rumour has it, also plays cricket with our fearless Fitzroy Vice President, David Leydon.

Ian also likes a bit of news and culture and is a regular on ABC Melbournes News therapy segment, with Raf Epstein.
Lunch tickets are on sale now and will close on Monday 31 May. Dont miss out.

The lunch is a great start to the day as Fitzroy plays a must-win home ga

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